• Wan Gang delivers remarks at meeting of CAST group of CPPCC


    Wan Gang, president of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), attended the 2nd session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and delivered remarks at the meeting of the CAST group on March 7, 2024.

    He Junke, secretary of the leading Party members group, vice president in charge of daily work, and chief executive secretary of the Secretariat of CAST, attended the meeting.

    The meeting was presided over by Xu Yanhao, head of the CAST group.

    At the meeting, CPPCC members Wang Huaimin, Zhang Xu, Qiu Zhiming, Zhang Feng, Li Zhiqiang, Xiao Wenjiao, Xiao Longxu, Yang Changfeng, Min Yiren, Li Xing, Wei Yueguang, Zeng Yi, and Liao Xiangke discussed on hotspot issues on innovation ecological network, sci-tech finance, basic research investment, sci-tech evaluation and reward, talent evaluation, sci-tech achievement transformation, construction of academic societies and international academic exchanges.

    They proposed suggestions to better implement the important instructions of President Xi Jinping and the Report on the Work of the Government around the above-mentioned issues.

    We must take our responsibilities to innovate China with science and technology. We must strengthen capacity building for better performance, conduct in-depth researches to provide consultative services for government decisions, noted Wan.

    We must provide suggestions to achieve high-level sci-tech self-reliance and strengthening, optimize research and innovation environment, improve the supporting system and stimulate the vitality of talent development system to advance Chinese modernization on all fronts, continued Wan.

    Wan called upon CAST to better perform its duties and serve as a bridge linking Chinese government and all Chinese sci-tech professionals. And as president of CAST, Wan expressed that he’d welcome all criticisms and suggestions from CPPCC participating groups.

    Tag: Department of General Administration, Political Consultation