• CAST takes actions to boost cultures of science


    The National Academy of Innovation Strategy (NAIS) affiliated to the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) kicked off a seminar on cultures of science at the China Hall of Science and Technology (CHST) on March 1, 2024.

    Experts and scholars from relevant universities and research institutes got together to discuss relevant hotspot issues.

    Luo Hui, member of the leading Party members group of CAST and director general of the Department of International Affairs of CAST, attended the seminar.

    Also present at the seminar were heads from the Department of Publicity and Culture, Department of Strategic Development, Department of International Affairs of CAST, and NAIS.

    The seminar noted that construction of cultures of science is an important part of building China a leading country in the world.

    Cultures of science carry both the imprint of history and traditional culture and also contains modern elements.    

    As an important component of the national innovation system and a significant force in promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, CAST is playing an irreplaceable and distinctive role in the construction of cultures of science.     

    We should conduct in-depth discussions about cultures of science, making it play a leading role in uniting sci-tech professionals to participate in sci-tech governance, and provide effective support for evidence-based decision-making.

    The participating experts reached consensus that the sustained vitality of cultures of science stems from its rich connotations and distinct characteristics of the times.

    Faced with the change of the international geopolitics and the ethical challenges caused by the development of cutting-edge science and technology in the new era, CAST should combine long-term regular researches with emergency and special researches, conduct in-depth scientific and cultural studies from the perspective of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and actively initiate dialogues with the international community, to amplify China’s voice on the issues of common concerns to the international community.

    Tag: National Academy of Innovation Strategy, Cultures of Science