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2023 China Science Communication Awards Lists announced


Under the theme of "People-oriented innovation and enlightenment", and co-sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), China Media Group (CMG), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), a special TV program unveiling 2023 China Science Communication Awards lists was live-streamed on the comprehensive channel of China Central Television (CCTV-1) on April 14, 2024.

Relevant leaders present at the on-site event were He Junke, Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group, Executive President, and Chief Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of CAST, Wang Xiaozhen, Member of the Leading Party Members Group and Deputy Director of the CMG, Gao Fenglin, Vice President (concurrently) of the ACFTU, and Yin Hao, Member of the Leading Party Members Group and Secretary of the Secretariat of CAST.

At the special TV program show, 2023 China Science Communication Awards lists were announced.

Prestigious science popularization experts were invited to deliver speeches, and representatives from the 2023 lists were interviewed to showcase the advanced achievements in the fields of science and technology development and science popularization.

Academicians Wang Hao, Li Yang, Zhu Yongguan, among others participated in the program, sharing their unforgettable stories in communicating science to serve the people for the motherland.

China’s top-level astronaut Wang Yaping narrated her 3 journeys to the outer space and the online lectures she delivered in the spacecraft to Chinese teenagers.

At the special TV program show, China’s first AI symphony A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains originally produced by the AI composition system of the Central Conservatory of Music, was presented on site, hosted by digital intelligent anchors.

The "Science and China" lecture-tour group of academicians and experts ranked top in 2023 China Science Communication special figures list.

Wang Hao, academician of the CAE, and director of the State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, together with the new media team of the China Science and Technology Museum (CSTM) ranked top in 2023 popular science figures list.

"The First Lesson of Public Safety" among others ranked in 2023 popular science works list.

"One Minute Video Series about Nuclear" among others ranked in 2023 short videos list.  

"New Discovery of China's FAST" was selected among 2023 science popularization events list.

“Is it true that the higher the valent of the HPV vaccine, the better the preventive effect” was selected among 2023 rumor demolisher list.

The program of China Science Communication Awards lists is a brand event in the field of science popularization under the guidance of CAST. It has been held for 9 consecutive sessions and played a positive role in the effort to enhance Chinese citizens’ scientific literacy.  

184 units including relevant ministries, central enterprises, national societies, provincial science associations, and online platforms made submissions for the program. The final lists were concluded through multi-rounds of discussions and assessments.

Tag: Department of Science Popularization of CAST, Science Communication
